Dear Postgrads,
This document serves to highlight the activities, events and officer engagements over the month of August as far as the KPA is concerned. It has been a very quiet month for us on campus, meaning that we have been able to get prepping for our postgraduate Fresher’s Week! We have lots of fantastic ideas, working closely with the committee and the Clubhouse to collaborate on events, inductions and postgraduate gatherings. September will truly be an exciting month for everyone at the KPA, offering tonnes of new opportunities for postgrads to meet and greet and form a wider part of the Keele campus community.
KPA Activities...
Over August, we have tried to host as many events as possible for remaining postgraduates on campus. At the Clubhouse we hosted Prosecco Picnic, Mexican Night and continued our weekly Postgrads that Lunch and Coffee Morning events. Although it has been quiet on campus, we still have postgrads thoroughly engaged and coming along to our events! In August, we collaborated with the Student Services team with their trips to Liverpool, Manchester and Oxford, covering the cost of tickets for postgraduate students! Over the year, we would love your ideas for day trips to local events and the UK’s cities! Please get in touch if you have any thoughts on something you would like us to organise!
Signposted Funding…
If you are a postgraduate looking for alternative, portfolio or research council funding, the careers and employability team have a whole host of links for you! In order to access this funding, please follow this link:
We will be frequently signposting this funding throughout the year so all postgraduate students have access and support. If you would like any more information, please get in touch!
PGCE Postgraduate Students Arrive...
Myself and Currie had the pleasure of meeting our new PGCE primary students this week! It was fantastic to go along and give a presentation on what we offer to postgraduate students here at the KPA! A very warm welcome to Keele and your postgraduate student union! We will be hosting a FREE buffet and meet and greet for new PGCE students at Clubhouse (6pm) on the 4th of September to welcome you!
Clubhouse Menu Change…
We are pleased to announce the new menu change at the Clubhouse, coming into effect on Monday 2nd of September! Special thanks to the kitchen manager Charlotte and clubhouse manager Julia, who have spent a lot of time closely reviewing the menus and implementing a new and exciting change, based on postgraduate suggestions! The Clubhouse will now offer breakfast, an alternative evening menu, as well as advancing their gluten free and vegan options! The clubhouse will now be serving stone baked pizzas, halloumi fries and gluten free sharer boards. An exciting change to watch out for!
Things to look forward to…
September looks to be a fantastic month for postgraduate students, incoming and current! We have lots of freshers week events organised and will be advertising this in the next couple of days, so watch this space! We look forward to welcoming our new postgraduate students as the membership builds! We are anticipating a very busy month, so please bare with us if we cannot answer emails straight away! We will be continuing our KPA weekly events, so please do come along, you will be welcomed with open arms!
Celebrating Success…
I would like to use this space to congratulate some of our postgraduate students in their academic achievements and contributions to campus…
Congratulations to Dean Brindley whose poetry installation Circus Train was unveiled at Stoke Station on the 15th of August!
Congratulations to Felicity Adams, whose paper has been accepted for a conference at the University of Austin, Texas. She has received a travel grant and scholarship to attend their Prison Abolition, Human Rights, and Penal Reform conference!
Congratulations to all postgrads who are submitting dissertations over the next couple of weeks! We wish you the best of luck with your future endeavours!
(If you would like to nominate yourself or another student to feature within this section, please get in touch with me at
If there’s anything missing that members would like to have seen included or anything members are expecting to be done, you are welcome to get in touch with queries or issues.
The committee and I look forward to working with all you amazing postgrads! Please feel free to email either Currie or I on or if you have any concerns, want to give us updates or simply just want a chat!!
Best wishes,
Katie Charlton
(KPA President)