Meet your KPA Officers 2024/25
Here is your 2024/25 student officer team!
Your officers are here to represent you at all levels of the university. They attend university meetings on behalf of the Postgraduate community, working closely with university staff to improve the Postgraduate experience. As well as leading on events and activities, the officers are there if you have any questions, concerns or queries about your course, support services or if you just want an informal chat.
Click on the officers name, or role title to find out more about them!
Full Time Officers
These officers work a full 39 hour week representing you and your academic needs. They are also trustees of the organisation.
Part Time Officer
This officer works part-time representing you and your academic needs, and communicating with our members. They are also a trustee of the organisation.
Student Trustee and Permanent Staff
The student trustee sits as an elected student, overseeing the financial and strategic aims of the KPA.
The Coordinator supports the KPA in day to day operations and supporting Officers.
Voluntary Officers
These officers work on a voluntary basis to represent key student groups in KPA discussions, meetings and activities.